
Oriel Ysbyty Gwynedd new exhibition

Oriel Ysbyty Gwynedd

Beaumaris and Menai Bridge Camera Club

Discover the joys of therapeutic photography for your mental health and wellbeing.

Art of all kinds has long been known to help us in our daily lives. When we struggle with our mental wellbeing, the creative arts can help to calm our busy minds, give us an outlet for our emotions, and provide us with a sensation of being able to do something for ourselves - however small.

Photography, specifically, can be incredibly beneficial for our mental health. In a hectic world, it can be hard to see how something we enjoy so much, and perhaps even do for a living, can help with our mental wellbeing. But picking up a camera could just be the key to feeling that little bit brighter

From June to September the Beaumaris and Menai Bridge Camera Club are displaying examples of work by the group.

They are a friendly and informal group of photographers, with wide experiences and different interests in the world of photography.

The program includes talks by guest speakers, competitions and evenings for members to discuss and share ideas.

They meet at 7.30pm every Friday evening from the beginning of September until the following April.

Big thanks to Anthony Morris for his help setting up the exhibition

The exhibition will be on display in the reception area of Ysbyty Gwynedd until the end of September.