
Welsh Government: Survey of providers of childcare, play and activities for children in Wales

Welsh Government: Survey of providers of childcare, play and activities for children in Wales

The Arts Council of Wales is involved in the Steering Group looking at this issue and would like to encourage organisations to respond to this survey

Welsh Government is reviewing the Child Minding and Day Care Exceptions Order, which excludes certain childcare, play and activity providers in Wales from needing to become registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a child minder or day care provider.

Providers of visual arts and performing arts activities for children are amongst those currently exempt from having to be registered with CIW. This exemption is under review and Welsh Government is seeking feedback from providers of these activities. The Arts Council of Wales is involved in the Steering Group looking at this issue and would like to encourage organisations to respond to this survey and to share with their networks.

Learn more here

This survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is available until 08/11/2024

Take the survey here