
Arts Council of Wales postpones multi-year funding opportunity

The Arts Council of Wales have confirmed that it will not be possible to open applications to multi-year funding for new organisations during the 2025-2026 financial year. All the other funding opportunities available through the Arts Council of Wales, including Create, other specific Lottery programmes and other targeted funding are unaffected.

Eighty-one organisations throughout Wales currently receive multi-year funding following the Investment Review which took place in 2023. As part of that process, a commitment was made to consider an annual opportunity for new organisations to apply for multi-year funding, with the next round originally planned for March 2025.

Explaining the reason for postponing the opportunity, Arts Council of Wales Chief Executive Dafydd Rhys said,

“In December, we received confirmation of the Welsh Government’s draft Grant-in-Aid budget which was a slight uplift of 3.6%. Current multi-year funded organisations have been informed that they will receive an uplift of 2.5% in funding this year, subject to budget confirmation by Welsh Government.

“Having carefully considered the pressures facing our current multi-year-funded organisations, and our own financial position against the backdrop of a 10.5% cut in funding last year, we have concluded that we have very limited financial flexibility in terms of introducing any new multi-year funded organisations at this time.

“We recognise that postponing the re-opening of this opportunity will be disappointing for organisations who had hoped to apply to become a multi-year funded organisation. However, after careful reflection, this postponement makes sense in terms of the scheduled review of the eighty-one current multi-year-funded organisations at the end of year two of their three-year agreements, which will take place in the first quarter of 2026. This will give us a clearer picture of how the sector is evolving, and where ACW support can make a difference.

“We firmly believe that this is the right decision at this time. Should the funding environment change considerably over the coming year, we may be in a position to consider looking at multi-year-funding opportunities for the arts sector in March 2026.”

Visit for details of current funding opportunities.

More information about the Investment Review can be found here